Contact us

Do you have any questions about our appartments, boats or about a booking? You can use the contact details below to send us an email. You could also use our contact form.

Koos en Regina Oosterhaven
+31 6 51 50 95 32 
+31 6 46 11 88 71 

De Lytse Ooster-Haven B.V.
Lytse Sudein 13
8624 TS Uitwellingerga 

KvK-nr: 6518 7229
BTW-nr: NL 8560 1211 7 B01

De Lytse Ooster-Haven B.V. is part of Douwemarijn B.V. known as KvK-nr. 09209619, BTW-nr: NL 821552582 B01
